The reference Site of FORTH is coordinated by the Center for eHealth Applications and Services of ICS-FORTH in collaboration with the Human Computer Interaction (HCI) Laboratory of ICS-FORTH, and the PRAXI Network.
Reference Site coordination Team
Dr. Angelina Kouroubali
Center for eHealth Applications and Services
Institute of Computer Science – FORTH
Tel.: 2810 391680
Dimitrios Katehakis
Center for eHealth Applications and Services
Institute of Computer Science – FORTH
Tel: 2810 391589
Iosif Klironomos
Human Computer Interaction (HCI) Laboratory
Institute of Computer Science – FORTH
Tel: 2810 391592
Dr. Maria Makridaki
PRAXI Network
Tel: 2810 391966

Center for eHealth Applications and Services
The Center for eHealth Applications and Services develops and deploys IT software for the healthcare sector providing integrated and qualitative tools and solutions. Its product portfolio includes the software suite “Integrated Care Solutions” (ICS) which is a series of IT applications like:
- Patient Management within a healthcare facility,
- Nursing and Medical Applications,
- Integrated Primary Health Care,
- Picture Archiving and Communication,
- pre-Hospital Emergency Care,
- the Integrated Electronic Health Record,
- Welfare, and
- applications for the Citizen
Human Computer Interaction (HCI) Laboratory
The Human Computer Interaction (HCI) Laboratory, established in 1989, is an internationally recognized center of excellence with world-wide leading research activities rooted in the principles of Universal Access that has proposed and elaborated the concept of an Information Society for All. The Laboratory is leading the Institute’s Ambient Intelligence Program, a research platform for designing human-centric smart environments and developing ambient intelligence technologies and assessing their impact both on the levels of the individual and society. The HCI Laboratory operates:
- The Centre for Universal Access and Assistive Technologies (CUA&AT). The main objective of the Centre is to support equal participation and socio-economic integration of people with disabilities and other vulnerable groups in the Information Society, by designing products and services accessible and usable by the widest possible end-user population. Its activities include studies on e-Inclusion, as well as on industrial design practices, user assessment, accessibility guidelines and policy interventions at national and European level. The Centre offers services, consulting, and technical development, to user organisations, industry agencies, government agencies and non-market institutions. CUA&AT also investigates user experience design lifecycle methods and tools for Universal Access, and conducts user-based studies, e.g. expert-based evaluations with usability and accessibility experts.
- The Centre for Interaction in Ambient Intelligence Environments (CIAIE). The main objective of the Centre is to study Ambient Intelligence technologies and their application in Smart Environments following a User-Centred Design approach. Additionally, the Centre aims to assess the impact of Ambient Intelligence Technologies on individuals and societies as a whole, as well as to highlight the potential and benefits of such technologies in various aspects of everyday life.
PRAXI Network
PRAXI Network was created to provide bridge between Research and Industry in Greece. Since 1991 PRAXI Network offers Technology Transfer brokerage services to Greek companies and Research Institutions and provides information, mediation and advisory services to all stages of Technology Transfer and Exploitation of Research Results:
- Funding opportunities identification
- Detection of technological needs
- Technology watch and evaluation
- Partner search
- Technology transfer negotiations support
PRAXI Network operates as a distinct entity, under the Central Administration of the Foundation for Research and Technology – Hellas (FORTH) in cooperation with the Hellenic Federation of Enterprises (SEV) and the Federation of Industries of Northern Greece (FING). It is administered by FORTH, operates as a non-profit private organisation and draws its funds from the European Commission (Competitiveness and Innovation Programme, RTD Framework Programme, Structural Funds) and from services to its clients. Since 2008, PRAXI Network provides innovation and technology transfer services, initially as a member of the Enterprise Europe Network, the largest network of integrated business support to Small and Medium Enterprises, and coordinator of the Enterprise Europe Network – Hellas.